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Let me introduce you Miss Patricia Christol... |
Show me your company and I’ll tell you what you are. |
The first monologue of Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark. |
Speak little but listen well to what others say. |
A gerund is partly a verb and partly a noun. |
Friendship is a very nice thing and that’s why people of all countries have so many proverbs about it. As you do not know all English proverbs about friends, here are some more |
Now some words about my English lessons. A favourite author of our teacher is a well-known American poet Emily Dickinson. |
Так вот, лимеричный метод намного уменьшает этот дискомфорт своей естественностью, ибо, будучи "фольклорным продуктом" несёт имплицитно (скрытно) в себе элементы гармонического восприятия действительности, гармоничного ритма мышления. |
As to Vasya he hasn't changed his department for the teachers' one. And as far as I know he isn't going to do it. Of course, he has become serious but many traits of his previous boyish character has preserved. |
О роли эмоционального фактора в изучении языков известно давно. Вообще это таинственный процесс - овладение иноязычной речью. Вспомним знаменитого "Баламута": на волне сильнейшего эмоционального стресса - Любви – герой "овладевает" английским. |
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