Философия души

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Lesson 16

Conversation Topic “People and Professions”


Let me introduce you Mrs. Christol, a doctor from Bristol. Her favourite proverb:


  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


Her favourite limerick is as follows:


There was an old lady who said

When she found a thief under her bed:

“Get up from the floor;

You are too near the door,

And you may catch a cold in your head.”


Let me introduce you one more person. This is Mr. Lynn. He is an electronics engineer and computer programmer. His motto is as follows:


  • Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.


His favourite limerick:


There once was a student named Bessor,

Whose knowledge grew lessor and lessor,

It at last grew so small

He knew nothing at all,

And today he’s a college professor.


Let me introduce you Miss Patricia Christol, Mrs. Christol’s daughter; she is a schoolgirl from Bristol. Her favourite saying is:


  • The devil is not as black as he is painted.


Her favourite limerick is as follows:


There was a nice lady of Niger

Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.

They returned from the ride

With the lady inside,

And a smile on the face of the tiger.


But this is Mr. Leton, a lawyer from Eton. His motto:


  • If you have given your word, keep it.


He is a brilliant speaker and a very reliable partner. His favourite limerick is as follows:


There was a young person, whose history

Was always considered a mystery;

He sat in a ditch, although no one knew which,

And composed a small treatise on history.


And this is Mr. Harry Jalsy, an artist from Chelsea. His favourite proverb is:


  • After the rain comes fair weather.


And his favourite limerick is:


There was a Young Lady of Turkey

Who wept when the weather was murky;

When the day turned out fine,

She ceased to repine,

That capricious Young Lady of Turkey.


This is Mrs. Jalsy – Jalsy’s aunt, born in a village of Falsy. Her favourite saying is:


  • You can judge a man by the company he keeps.


She likes only one limerick:


There was an old lady of Harrow,

Whose views were exceedingly narrow.

At the end of her paths

She built two bird baths

For the different sexes of sparrow.

Lesson 17

Some exercises with proverbs:


  • You can’t eat your cake and have it.

Name two opposite things which you cannot do at the same time.

  • Fine words dress ill deeds.

Give some examrles from literature and life in order to support this proverb.


Very many years ago a philosopher said:


  • “All I know is that I know nothing.”

Ask each other questions about the meaning of the philosopher’s words. For example: “Is it correct to say that he did not know anything?”

  • He that nothing asks, nothing learns.

Do you ask questions to under-stand more?

Why do small children ask questions all the time?

Make up two dialogues between a kid and an adult. What are the questions kids usually ask adults and what are the questions adults ask kids. Play out the dialogues.
 Try to Imagine!


Sit in your arm-chair. Shut your eyes, please. Relax! Imagine a pleasant, then a frightened place.

Describe what you have imagined.


The next task:

Describe the view from your window at night.


The third task: look around you. Notice as much as you can.

Describe it with the help of your pencils and paints.


The fourth task:

Make up a dialogue between a small reasonable car and a powerful racing car during an absolute traffic jam.


The fifth task:

Imagine for a moment that you could be famous personality. What would you like to do?


Now close your eyes again and imagine for a moment you are in Finland, then Spain, then Egypt, then Australia.

Describe what you imagined.


Категория: Английский с любовью | Добавил: indira (28.08.2007)
Просмотров: 2134 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
Всего комментариев: 1
1 Nika  
Dear Indira Abdullovna, it so amazing to see educating topics for lazy persons (like me )))), thank you for this beautiful article! I hope it helps me study English more effective. & you know, I notice that this lessons looks like so-called psychologycal "wave technique". Both are based on one idea.

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